September 15, 2018

Better Sleep

How much sleep did you get last night?7 to 9 hours like the CDC and National Sleep Foundation recommends?Or was it MUCH less?If you’re anything like the average person, statistics say you only sleep between 5 and 7 hours per night.

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January 20, 2018


Microdosing. It’s the practice of taking very small doses of powerful substances (usually psychedelic in nature) to experience creativity bumps and perspective shifts without having to endure the negative-productivity side effects. Recently, microdosing has become popularized as the new hack for entrepreneurs, creatives, and silicon valley tech geeks to level-up their problem solving abilities as well as

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May 1, 2017


If you’re like most people, it’s easy to drift away from your fitness ambitions at some point during the year… Even simple fitness goals like gaining some muscle or just feeling better day-to-day can get pushed aside by the hassle, boredom and repetitiveness of most exercise programs. When the novelty of your new fitness plan wears off, it’s easy

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April 23, 2017

Better Sleep

I need you to tap into your inner 5-year old for a moment. Think like a kid again and ask yourself, “Why’s the sky blue?” Although it’s a cute question every little kid asks, the answer isn’t trivial when it comes to your long term health. The changing colors of the sky are actually important clues as to what frequencies of

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April 17, 2017

Wild Modernity

If you’re an American, the combination of affordable AND high-quality health care just doesn’t exist in the United States. Obamacare is better than nothing to be sure, but unless you have a cushy job with great health benefits, a lack of options can leave you shelling out money you don’t have if you have a chronic

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